Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Drysdale/ Currie get together at The Manor (Denis and Denise Drysdale managers) Mt Tamborine
The Curries are descendants of Amy Currie (Nee Drysdale)

Monday, December 3, 2018

                                                 Drysdale Clan get together!
After nearly 200 years the descendants of Rachel And Andrew Drysdale were reunited at Kerry's place in Brisbane. (From left to right )
Peter (Fiji) John (brother from Melbourne) Jenny, Tammy, Andrew (behind) (Toowoomba) Carmel,  Gayle and Kerry (Brisbane).  We were all related to brothers Robert, Thomas and John Drysdale.  John and Thomas left Sydney some time in the 1800s

Thursday, September 13, 2018

                                        Carmel Beattie and Gayle Albert connecting up with the
                                         Drysdale network at Kerry's place in September 2018. We                                                                   had a great time together exchanging stories about our families
                                         and shared ancestry!

Saturday, July 21, 2018

                                          Drysdale Family day 2018 at Shannon and Suzie's Home Brisbane

Back row L to R: Taz, Mark, Jarad, Bryce, Ava and Tamara, Benjamin, Kym with Bethany in front, Ron, Levi in arms of Joel with Andi in front, Josiah, Matthias, Grant, Anjie, Glenys, Darryl, Denise, Dennis, Liam (red shirt)
Middle row L: Elle, Sarah, Renae, Susie with Albie, Holy with Shannon, Gayle, Isabel, Michael with Hannah, Jacqui with Katie, David, Maddo, Bernhard, Harrison, Tamara with Sophia, Brad, Graham, Anne
Front row L to R: Denver, Sophia, Arden, Travis, Jordan, Isla, Lily, Gabrielle with Luca, Cherith with Micah and Jai, Gregg, Bec with Tudi, Lisa with Harley and Kayu, Kirra, Matt   64
Photos from Gayle Albert, Brisbane  (William Drysdale family)

Doug Drysdale RHS WWII
Doug Drysdale 6th from the left third row Wiston SS 1928

Ron and Doug Drysdale

Annie Drysdale

Annie Drysdale rhs, Woody Point

William Drysdale on WWI Memorial, Beaudesert

Beaudesert WWI Memorial

                                         John Drysdale and family: John and Annie front
                                         William, Amy and Stanley (right) circa 1900? Possibly
                                         in Beaudesert, QLD.

Thursday, December 28, 2017

John Drysdale and the Tooloom gold fields.
Urbenville, originally known as Tooloom.  John Drysdale had a gold mining lease here in1860S
Tooloom Creek, Paddy's Flat, site of the gold rush that began in the 1850s.  John Drysdale was also in a partnership selling goods on the gold fields.  Much of the Tooloom gold was send to Ipswich or Brisbane banks.

Bizarre WWII anti tank traps to protect the south form the Japanese! (Maybe they stopped a few cattle...)

Kerry Drysdale down stream from the original mining town Tooloom Creek on the road from Urbenville.